the company

Northbridge started with a simple question: How could we improve the job searching process for international students who graduate in the United States if we could rebuild and reshape it from the ground up?

At Northbridge, we don't just understand the challenges international graduates face – we've lived them. Our founder experienced firsthand the uncertainties of navigating the post-graduation job market as an international student. This personal journey drives our enthusiasm and guides every aspect of our approach.

Our Mission

Motivated by a desire to change how international graduates find jobs after college, Northbridge aims to lead the way for these graduates looking for work in the United States. Our mission is simple: bridge the gap between international talent and opportunity.

The future is optimistic

Northbridge stands as your companion on the journey ahead. We understand the challenges, the uncertainties, and the aspirations that come with every step of the path. With firsthand experience, we have walked in your shoes, felt the same hopes and fears, and navigated the difficulties of the job search, interviews, paperwork and visa process.

We know what it takes because we have been there ourselves. From the initial spark of ambition to the moment of securing a job, we are here to assist you with every step of the process.

We are committed to guiding you through the challenges and achieve success. It’s all within reach.

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