International students

Explore insights about international students. Note that there were 1,057,188 international students studying in the United States in the 2022/23 academic year.

  • International students accounted for 5.6% of the total U.S. higher education population of 18,878,357 students.

  • China: 289,526

    India: 268,923

    South Korea: 43,847

    Canada: 27,876

  • Undergraduate: 347,602

    Graduate: 467,027

    Non-degree: 43,766

    OPT: 198,793

  • Math and Computer Science: 240,230

    Engineering: 202,801

    Business and Management: 157,281

    Social Sciences: 85,998

  • California: 138,393

    New York: 126,782

    Texas: 80,757

    Massachusetts: 79,751

  • New York University: 24,496

    Northeastern University - Boston: 20,637

    Columbia University: 19,001

    Arizona State University - Campus Immersion: 17,981

  • International students continue to be a priority for the U.S. higher education sector, contributing $32 billion to the country’s economy in 2022.

  • The number of international students in the U.S. is expected to grow annually, with potential to reach two million by 2030.